Updated: 7-Nov-2024

update Registry updated!

The Cabriolet Registry is the largest collection of Golf Cabriolet/Rabbit Convertible data outside of the Volkswagen & Karmann factory archives. It is an ongoing database with the goal of providing a complete listing of Cabriolet chassis numbers that are still in existence, or are known to no longer be living. This database also includes a breakdown of models, colors, and transmission types (manuals are by far the most common!). Take a look to see if your (or one you see on the street, in a junkyard, etc.) Cabriolet/Rabbit Convertible is listed; if not, please submit its details!

Registry Details by Year

In Registry
Updates or
9-1979 5,863 362 - 934 11 0
A-1980 18,572 1220 - 3082 56 0
B-1981 25,833 1806 - 4465 73 1
C-1982 27,794 2067 - 5004 102 1
D-1983 18,223 1442 - 3418 70 0
E-1984 25,812 2172 - 5043 146 0
F-1985 23,551 2109 - 4793 158 0
G-1986 25,079 2389 - 5316 198 1
H-1987 37,462 3796 - 8272 281 1
J-1988 27,460 2960 - 6316 235 0
K-1989 32,603 3739 - 7812 282 0
L-1990 31,791 3878 - 7935 258 1
M-1991 35,956 4666 - 9348 217 1
N-1992 36,274 5008 - 9824 317 2
P-1993 16,249 2387 - 4584 250 0
TOTALS 388,522 40001 - 86146 2654 8

* Listed annual production numbers are unverified at this time, but are close to the actual numbers, based on the VIN-splits on record. Karmann's published production number of total Cabriolets built is 388,522.

** Estimation based on a 4-6% annual loss of above-listed production numbers up to the year 2024. The total remaining is currently an estimated 22-37% of total produced. The 4-6% is an average based on published European registration figures over the past 45 years.

Registry Submission Form

For those concerned about security, be assured that without the entire 17-digit (or 10-digit for '79/'80) VIN, no one can look up information about your specific car, or about you personally. Photos submitted with visible license plates: those plates will be blocked/blurred out. Additionally, cities will not be posted, even if you submit them. Registry submissions are entered manually as time allows.

Submission Form Instructions

Model Year ~ required

The model year is found via the 10th digit in the VIN for 1981-1993 cars (3rd digit for 1979-1980 cars):

  • 9 = 1979
  • A = 1980
  • B = 1981
  • C = 1982
  • D = 1983
  • E = 1984
  • F = 1985
  • G = 1986
  • H = 1987
  • J = 1988
  • K = 1989
  • L = 1990
  • M = 1991
  • N = 1992
  • P = 1993
  • warning The car's model year is not the year the car was first registered. I've had a number of folks, particularly in the UK, enter the model year based on registration year, which is not the car's model year. Please triple-check that you've entered the correct model year by verifying the car's 10th VIN digit (or 3rd digit if '79-'80)!

    Sequential Production Number, (aka chassis number) ~ required

    The production/chassis number is the last 6 digits of the VIN. Because there were a maximum of 40,000 Cabriolets built in a model year, all Cabriolet chassis numbers will begin with 0. Therefore, only the last 5 digits of the VIN are required for the Cabriolet Registry. Only numbers are allowed to be entered in this section, and 5 digits are required.

    Build Date ~ optional

    Your car's build date (month and year) is stamped onto the federal compliance sticker on the driver's door jamb in North American Cabriolets. To determine the exact date (day, month, year and day of the week) your car was built, please download the build date guide below that corresponds to your Cabriolet's model year. You may also provide the PKN from the build sheet or the slam panel (aka radiator support) and I will determine the date for you.

    Cabriolet Model ~ optional

    You may use the Models pages to determine what model your Cabriolet is; you may also leave this field blank and I will fill it in for you. If you include a photo, I can usually determine which model it is; if the model is unknown, the default listing of “Cabriolet” will be entered. Please note: Determining the model type can sometimes be tricky, especially if the car is not 100% original; just because the car has Zandvoort wheels, for example, does not confirm that the car is a Best Seller model. An Etienne Aigner model will have an “E” as the 4th digit in the VIN (for those models initially sold in North America). The "D" in '90s North American VINs, it has been discovered, was used mostly for Carat models, but is also found in some Wolfsburg Edition models.

    Paint Code and/or Color ~ optional

    The color your Cabriolet currently is; even better is the factory color code. The paint color code is listed on the build sheet sticker in the trunk, if your Cabriolet still has the sticker. If the car has been repainted, please include the car's original color: If you do not know the original color, usually the interior portions are not painted (trunk, door jambs, under the carpet, under the rear seat, the engine bay); use this as your cue to what the original color was.

    Roof/Top Color ~ optional

    What color the roof currently is. If the top has been replaced and you know the original color, please include it as well. Note: I know my Cabriolets well; don't be surprised to see an original color listed even if you did not provide it.

    Interior Code and/or Color ~ optional

    What the seat color currently is. If the interior has been replaced and you know the original color, please include it as well. Even better than the color is the interior code. This code can be found on the build sheet sticker in the trunk, provided your car still has this sticker. If the car does not have this sticker, you can peruse the factory interiors listed on the Interior Styles page. Note: I know my Cabriolets well; don't be surprised to see the original interior listed even if you did not provide it. ;)

    Transmission Type ~ optional

    Select manual or automatic. This is the transmission the car left the factory with. If you or a previous owner have swapped the transmission type, please include this information in the “notes/additional info” section.

    Original Location ~ optional

    The first location the car was sold by a VW dealer (state/province and/or country). For security and privacy reasons, cities will not be listed even if you provide them.

    Current/Last Location ~ optional

    The current location where the car resides (state/province and/or country), or the last known location. For security and privacy reasons, cities will not be listed even if you provide them.

    Car's Current Status ~ required

    Living = Currently running, driving, and/or undergoing restoration.

    Dying = Currently for sale by a junkyard/salvage yard, rotting away in a back lot, etc. (i.e., may have damage, but has potential to be restored).

    Dead = In a junkyard, or is being parted out with no chance to be saved; or car has been crushed.

    Notes/Additional Information ~ optional

    Provide whatever information you'd like: link to an online photo gallery, details/short story about the car, modifications made to the car, current mileage, and so on… but keep the information brief (there is now a 330 character limit).

    Photo of the Car ~ optional

    Attach one photo of your car, if desired. Any visible license plates will be blurred/blocked by me for the car owner's security/privacy. Photos may be cropped to fit the space.

    Photo tips/recommendations:

    Registry FAQ

    I submitted my car but don't see it listed?

    The information you provided was conflicting, or was incomplete as of the last update. Examples: 1) You selected 1979 for the year, but the production number entered was 19206, a number far higher than what Karmann produced for 1979. 2) You entered 00834 for your 1985's production number, but entered May 10, 1985 for the build date. Either the production number was entered incorrectly, or the car's build date was entered/calculated incorrectly. 3) You entered an invalid VIN, such as 71642. Please resubmit your car. The new submission form now requires a 5-digit chassis number and only a number to help prevent errors.

    What do the symbols in the Registry mean?

    The > means that a change has taken place. For example, "Helios Blue > Paprika Red" indicates that the original Helios Blue paint was changed to Paprika Red.

    The status symbols are:

    Registry Statistics

    Oldest Car:

    from June 1978

    Youngest Car:

    from April 1993

    Lowest VIN:


    Highest VIN:


    Longest sequential run:


    Regions represented:

    North America
    Central America
    South America
    South Pacific

    Trans By Year
    Aigners Built

    The information contained in this site is for entertainment and informational purposes only. The site creator is not responsible for you, your car, your errors, or your economic losses resulting from your use of this information. Additionally, this site and its content are not affiliated with Volkswagen of America nor Volkswagen AG. "VW" and "Volkswagen" are registered trademarks of Volkswagen AG and are used on this site for descriptive purposes only.

    No text on this site may be copied to or used on other web sites without written permission of the site administrator; the only exception to this is if proper credit is given to this site when quoting copied text.