Updated: 11-Jul-2023
Many manuals/books exist on the market. Those listed below are merely the most commonly used and referenced.
Note: If you want just one DIY mechanical repair manual, the red Bentley Service Manual is the one to get.
General Repair Manuals

- Title: Volkswagen Rabbit Service Manual, 1980-1984
Author: Bentley Publishers
Softcover ISBN: 9780837601830
Hardcover ISBN: 9780837617046

- Title: Volkswagen Cabriolet Service Manual, 1985-1993
Author: Bentley Publishers
Softcover ISBN: 9780837603629
Hardcover ISBN: 9780837616360

- Title: VW Rabbit Automotive Repair Manual, 1975-1989
Author: Haynes Publishers
Softcover ISBN: 9781850106302

- Title: How to Keep Your Volkswagen Rabbit Alive
1st edition, 1980
Author: Richard Sealey
Softcover ISBN: 0912528176

- Title: How to Keep Your Volkswagen Rabbit Alive
2nd edition, 1982
Author: Richard Sealey
Softcover ISBN: 9997335791

- Title: VW Golf Automotive Repair Manual,
1974-1984 (1.1L, 1.3L)
Author: Haynes Publishers
Hardcover ISBN: 9780857335814

- Title: VW Golf Automotive Repair Manual,
1974-1984 (1.5L, 1.6L, 1.8L)
Author: Haynes Publishers
Hardcover ISBN: 9780857336170
Fuel & Electrical Systems

- Title: Bosch Fuel Injection & Engine Management
(K-Jetronic, Digifant)
Author: Charles Probst
Hardcover ISBN: 9780837603001

- Title: Gasoline Fuel Injection System, K-Jetronic
Author: Robert Bosch GmbH
Softcover ISBN: 9780837604688

- Title: Solex & Pierburg Carburettors
Author: Haynes Publishers
Softcover ISBN: 9781850107859

- Title: Carburettors - Adjusting, Tuning,
and Overhauling Ford, Pierburg, Solex & Weber
Author: Haynes Publishers
Hardcover ISBN: 9780857336231

- Title: The Hack Mechanic Guide to European Automotive Electrical Systems
Author: Rob Siegel
Softcover ISBN: 9780837617510

- Title: Golf GTI Performance Manual
Author: Tim Stiles
Hardcover ISBN: 1844251012

- Title: Your & Your VW Golf GTI
Author: Andy Butler
Hardcover ISBN: 1859608108

- Title: Restoration Manual, VW Golf and Jetta (includes convertible)
Author: Lindsay Porter
Hardcover ISBN: 185960448X